Trash of the Count’s Family - chapter 4


Choi Han's arrival at a location is comically hampered by stray cats, resulting in a sprained ankle. Cale encounters a group of malnourished children, providing them with food while maintaining a detached persona. Later, at a bar, Cale's unusual behavior and ordering habits, especially his disdain for the kind of people he 'should' associate with, lead others to note how strange he is. Cale is also shown to have a habit of drinking heavily and breaking things.

Quick Summary

Choi Han sprains his ankle due to stray cats, and Cale provides food to some underfed kids while acting standoffish. Cale then goes to a bar where his unique behavior is noted by others.

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Series Information

Released: January 7, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

stray catssprained anklemalnourished childrenchicken breastunusual behavioraristocratic familyCale's drinking habit