The Ultimate Shut-In - chapter 13


The chapter opens with a display of Kim Jaehyun's immense strength as he quickly defeats a group of goblins. This act impresses Oh Yeonjoo, who begs him to revive her deceased son. Kim learns that resurrection is a possibility if he acquires sufficient funds. He's then introduced to a party led by Ha Donggeon, who sees potential in recruiting them as vassals, including Oh Yeonjoo, and hints at the potential to revive her son.

Quick Summary

Kim Jaehyun displays incredible goblin-slaying power, leading a grieving mother to ask him to revive her son. He learns that resurrection might be possible with enough funds and the help of others.

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Series Information

Released: January 17, 2025
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

goblin slayingrevivalquest rewardHa Donggeon's partyvassalsKim Jaehyun's abilitiesOh Yeonjoo's grief