The Tutorial is Too Hard - chapter 114


The gods disclose that a being on the 10th floor of the Hell Difficulty tutorial attempted to escape, inadvertently severing the floor from the tutorial system by 'privatizing' it. Meanwhile, the main character reveals having cleared the 10th floor, despite thinking they almost died. The chapter concludes with a mysterious request for the main character to deeply associate with an unknown figure, before they contact someone.

Quick Summary

The gods reveal that a powerful entity on the hell difficulty 10th floor has privatized the floor, severing its connection to the tutorial; the main character has successfully cleared the 10th floor but is being prompted to build a deep connection with a specific character.

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Series Information

Released: January 7, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

hell difficultyprivatized floorsevered connectiontutorial escape10th floor cleareddeep associationsystem manipulation