The Return of the Prodigious Swordmaster - chapter 12


The chapter begins with Yuma showcasing his ability to hold a lot of wine, which prompts a challenge from one of the princesses. The conflict escalates when another sister decides to wager her honor on a fight between Yuma and another knight. Despite the use of aura being prohibited, the fight is seemingly still going ahead. The chapter then takes a turn where a new character is introduced as Yuma's savior and he seems to try to forge a relationship with her. To prove himself, Yuma is tasked with drinking a barrel of wine.

Quick Summary

A tournament is set up where the protagonist, Yuma, is challenged to a fight with the honor of the sisters on the line. He is then tasked with drinking an absurd amount of wine, seemingly a precursor to this fight.

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Series Information

Released: January 7, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

tournamenthonor wagerwine drinkingaura prohibitedsaviorprincesscommoner