Laon, now a baby, begins rigorous training with the Fire's Ring method to overcome his body's inherent cold energy. He also contemplates using his swordsmanship skills. A visit from the famous "Saint of Rags" reveals Laon suffers from the "bittercold curse," which is blocking his mana circuits. The diagnosis throws his mother into distress, motivating her to save him at all costs.
Quick Summary
The reincarnated assassin, Laon, begins training using the Fire's Ring technique despite his body being afflicted with a cold energy, and is later diagnosed with a "bittercold curse" by a visiting renowned physician.
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Series Information
Released: January 7, 2024
Read at skaihua
Chapter Themes
reincarnated assassinFire's Ringbittercold cursemana circuitsSaint of Ragscold energyLaon's training