The Priest of Corruption - chapter 23


The chapter begins with the group reacting to a large, horrifying enemy formed from corpses. They discover that this creature and the events leading up to it are the work of an organization called Liberatio. This group reveals their goal to create a world of religious equality, while also seeking a specific holy relic - a marble said to contain the power of 'Mother'. The heroes realize there are multiple such marbles and that their destruction has angered a powerful entity.

Quick Summary

The group confronts a grotesque enemy formed from gathered corpses, linked to a larger organization called Liberatio. They learn the group is seeking a holy relic and reveal the antagonist's goal: a world where all gods are equally worshipped.

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Series Information

Released: January 7, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

corpse monsterLiberatioreligious equalityholy relicMother's powermarblereligious freedom