The Indomitable Martial King - chapter 25


Rifenhardt regains consciousness and learns he is the prophesied savior of the dwarves, a message from their god Ahl Poth. He is being treated well, which is unusual for humans interacting with dwarves, since the dwarves are slaves. He discovers that the dwarves are used for their unique technical skills and are kept in groups to preserve their culture. Rifenhardt is determined to understand his role and seeks the wisdom of the High Priest, Machilin, hoping to understand his role as the savior.

Quick Summary

Rifenhardt, revealed as the prophesied savior of the dwarves, awakens to find them treating him with respect due to a divine message, despite their enslavement by humans. He plans to seek guidance from the High Priest.

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Series Information

Released: April 16, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

Ahl PothProphesied SaviorDwarf SlavesSound of TruthHigh PriestSteelhammer TribeGrand Forge