The Indomitable Martial King - chapter 20


The main characters arrive at the ruins of Elucion, which they sought, but discover they have been looted by others. Despite this setback, they acquire the magical bow Nihillen. The narrative shifts to a discussion about educating slaves, where a character believes it will improve their value and initiate a potential social change. The chapter concludes with the group reaching the Graim Kingdom and entering the Elucion ruins with a magical spell.

Quick Summary

The group arrives at Elucion ruins only to find them already plundered, but they acquire a powerful artifact bow. The chapter then shifts focus to a new plot point about educating slaves.

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Series Information

Released: April 8, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

Elucion RuinsNihillen bowslave educationGolden Knightmagical prowessGraim KingdomMana