The Indomitable Martial King - chapter 17


The chapter opens with a display of incredible martial prowess by a mysterious man, who easily deflects an attack. He questions the slavers' justifications for their actions, highlighting the hypocrisy of human dominance and the inherent injustice of slavery. He points out how this ideology harms even humans through serfdom and vows to change things so that no one is considered a slave. The slavers, now facing a far stronger foe than they expected, are terrified and start to question the young man's identity and skill, while trying to rationalize their previous actions.

Quick Summary

A powerful individual confronts a group of slavers, challenging their deeply rooted beliefs about the inferiority of non-human races. He displays incredible skill, sparking confusion and fear in his opponents.

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Series Information

Released: April 8, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

Martial KingSlaveryHuman SuperiorityAura UserUnbelievable SkillWrong IdeologyChange the world