The chapter opens with a crisis: a huge ant nest is about to breach the surface. The protagonist, Lloyd, opts for a risky plan to dig through the nest itself, using a summoned creature named Bangul, who produces dung to aid with excavation, and his newly learned skills. As they tunnel, Lloyd's group utilizes a tunneling shield and Bangul's unique abilities, greatly speeding up the process, but as they reach their goal a mysterious, uncharted hole appears, creating a new challenge.
Quick Summary
A massive ant nest is discovered, and instead of fighting outside, the protagonist decides to tunnel through it, using a newly summoned creature and a tunneling machine, while encountering a mysterious anomaly.
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Series Information
Released: January 7, 2024
Read at skaihua
Chapter Themes
ant nesttunnelingsummoned creatureshield tunneling machineGPR scanningmysterious anomalyleveling up