Swordmaster’s Youngest Son - chapter 77


The chapter opens with characters observing Jin Runcandel's surprising ability to control a large amount of magic power and dodge attacks that should have affected him differently. It's revealed that he isn't just a swordsman but a 'magic swordsman' using shadow energy, which is disrupting other characters' magic. The shadow energy is linked to Solderet and a broken pledge, escalating the fight as Jin showcases his quick movements and trap-like abilities while his opponents strategize against his unique magic.

Quick Summary

The chapter focuses on a fight where a character, Jin Runcandel, is revealed to be a magic swordsman using shadow energy that negates magic, leading to a chaotic confrontation.

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Series Information

Released: January 7, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

magic swordsmanshadow energymagic negationtrap-type magicJin RuncandelSolderet's shadow energybroken pledge