Sword Fanatic Wanders Through The Night - chapter 36


Jaegal Tan, whose identity as the Venom Demon's disciple is seemingly exposed, is captured and interrogated by the Troupe Leader, who forces him to analyze the Orthodox Alliance. The Troupe Leader demands detailed information about the alliance's members, their relationships, and their weaknesses, essentially treating Tan as a military advisor. Simultaneously, the Troupe Leader uses Tan's capture to train his own subordinates in combat, further humiliating Tan and highlighting his captive status.

Quick Summary

The captured Jaegal Tan is forced to analyze the Orthodox Alliance, while the Troupe Leader trains his subordinates using Tan as a captive.

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Series Information

Released: January 7, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

Jaegal TanVenom Demon's discipleOrthodox Alliancemilitary advisorcaptiveTroupe Leaderstrategic analysis