Solo Leveling - chapter 114


The chapter focuses on a fight between Beru, a powerful shadow soldier, and Hunter Cha. The king, Sung, gives Beru a specific command to defeat Cha without injuring her, showcasing Beru's controlled power. However, Sung is concerned about Beru's innate bloodlust and Cha's willingness to keep fighting despite the evident power difference. Cha's motivation and unwavering resolve to participate in the fight against Beru leave her intentions unclear, ultimately making Sung question why she's pushing herself so hard.

Quick Summary

Beru, a powerful shadow soldier, is tasked with fighting Hunter Cha without harming her, while the king observes, concerned about Beru's killer instincts and Cha's recklessness. Cha's determination puzzles everyone and raises questions about her motives.

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Series Information

Released: January 6, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

BeruHunter Chashadow soldierkilling machinecommandpower differenceunclear motives