Reincarnated Escort Warrior - chapter 70


The chapter begins with the protagonist revealing he was persuaded by Miss Namgoong to give her ten percent of his found gold. Despite this, he finds a large sum of money which should allow him to survive for a long time. Later, the escort mission is completed and the group parts ways, but not before the protagonist receives plaques of gratitude from various influential clans. He then receives the title of "Stormy Dragon", and finally the protagonist goes with Bottled Viper to find hidden treasure according to a map the orangutan gave him, with minimal initial success.

Quick Summary

The protagonist is tricked into giving up a portion of his treasure, but also receives gratitude plaques from various clans for his help, while his escort mission concludes and he gains a title. He then begins searching for the hidden treasure the orangutan mentioned.

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Series Information

Released: June 6, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

Miss Namgoonggratitude plaquesescort missionStormy Dragonhidden treasureBottled Viperorangutan