My Exclusive Tower Guide - chapter 4


The chapter opens with the party defeating a Kobold, with Victor landing the final blow by using poison apples against its weakness. However, another party member accuses Victor of lurking and stealing the kill. The group then receives a new mission, which involves annihilating the entire Kobold tribe, and disagreements arise as the 'free-rider' tries to prove himself. Lastly, it's revealed that Kobolds are passive unless provoked, leading to the realization that the group may have caused an issue.

Quick Summary

The group successfully eliminates a Kobold by using poison apples, but a member is called out for being a free-rider and stealing the final hit. The group then receives a mission to annihilate the Kobold tribe.

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Series Information

Released: April 16, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

Koboldpoison applefree-riderteam missionannihilate Kobold tribepassive monstersprovoked