Mr Devourer, Please Act Like a Final Boss - chapter 57


The chapter opens with Marmolia, now emanating a demonic aura, easily defeating A-class raid members with immense power, displaying a significant change in her abilities. Melje, having used all her mana, finds herself on the brink of death and recalls previous events where she was similarly rescued by Mr. Devourer. Meanwhile, another character remarks that Melje is a surprisingly powerful demon king despite not being aware of it. The chapter concludes with another call for Mr. Devourer to finally act like a boss.

Quick Summary

Marmolia, seemingly possessed by demonic power, overwhelms a group of A-class raid members. Melje, severely weakened, reflects on her past and worries about the future.

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Series Information

Released: September 29, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

demonic powerMarmoliaMeljedemon kingA-class raid membersMr. Devourermana exhaustion