Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor - chapter 54


Ian is invited to a dinner by Count Merelof, ostensibly to discuss the Gula trade, where Merelof expresses concerns about Ian's unilateral decision to allow its trade. Ian, in turn, returns a servant to Merelof’s madame, ultimately receiving a ring in gratitude. Meanwhile, a connection is hinted at between Ian's necklace and the ring he received, both possibly being products of alchemy.

Quick Summary

Ian and his group attend a dinner hosted by Count Merelof, where discussions about the trading of Gula arise, and Ian returns a servant in exchange for a ring.

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Series Information

Released: December 14, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

Gula tradeCount Merelofdinner invitationservant returnalchemist's failurealchemynecklace/ring