Logging 10,000 Years into the Future - chapter 40


The chapter starts with an enemy gloating about his plans to use the heroes' daughters as vessels for an evil ritual. A powerful psychic enemy is introduced who can control a mythril web, seemingly overpowering the protagonists. A seemingly weak child then steps up to fight, revealing an unbelievable level of martial arts control that even the experienced fighters are shocked by and begins to take control of the mythril web from the enemy. The chapter ends with the enemy seemingly losing control and about to self-destruct.

Quick Summary

The chapter depicts a tense confrontation where the heroes are facing a powerful antagonist with strange abilities and an evil plan, while a young, unexpectedly skilled fighter emerges.

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Series Information

Released: January 6, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

evil ritualpsychic enemymythril webprofound control stage martial artunexpectedly skilled fighterself-implodegod-like