King of the Mound - chapter 35


The chapter begins with a focus on Park Joonhyeong hitting a home run, causing an uproar. Meanwhile, pitcher Kim Jinho reflects on a past incident where his mound was trampled, fueling his dominance, marked by consecutive strikeouts using only splitters and four-seams; despite this dominance he then gives up a home run. The chapter ends with the losing pitcher smell and Jinho's potential return to the mound. Though he dominated, his team still is not winning and the possibility of him being a losing pitcher.

Quick Summary

Park Joonhyeong hits a home run, while Kim Jinho reflects on past rage and dominance with his splitter pitch, setting a new strikeout record but potentially faces being a losing pitcher.

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Series Information

Released: January 6, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

Park Joonhyeonghome runKim Jinhosplitter pitchconsecutive strikeoutslosing pitchermound