The chapter focuses on a team's infiltration of Bashuca, the capital city of Thormia Kingdom, to acquire a powerful artifact known as the 'Dragon Heart', which is the core of the city's mana control system. They bypass the system, retrieve the artifact using a mysterious 'Darkness Magic' and escape, leaving no traces of teleportation. The guards are bewildered by how the team used magic within the system and who could possess such power, ultimately suspecting the return of the legendary Archmage Victor Arcane.
Quick Summary
A group infiltrates Bashuca to steal the 'Dragon Heart' artifact, a mana control system core. They successfully retrieve it using a rare form of magic, baffling the guards.
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Series Information
Released: May 28, 2024
Read at skaihua
Chapter Themes
Dragon Heartmana control systemBashucaDarkness MagicVictor Arcaneartifact retrievalinfiltration