I Shall Live As a Prince - chapter 4


The protagonist, remembering the historical events of King Yeonsangun becoming a tyrant, decides to alter history by providing him psychological help. She reflects on the Gabja Sahwa and its impact on Yeonsangun, linking it to the events that lead to a coup and her divorce in her previous life. She starts changing small things like meals and mannerisms as well as trying to get closer to the queen. However, the protagonist's knowledge of the future, specifically how she gets replaced by Queen Dangyeong after King Jungjong overthrows Yeonsangun, leaves her in a difficult situation.

Quick Summary

The protagonist, having reincarnated, aims to prevent Yeonsangun from becoming a tyrant to avoid a future coup and her own divorce. She starts implementing small changes in their daily life.

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Series Information

Released: January 5, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

YeonsangunGabja SahwatyrantJungjong CoupQueen Dangyeonghistorical changepsychological help