Heavenly Grand Archive's Young Master - chapter 12


Five days after consuming the Hexa Crest Viper, the protagonist's senses and physical abilities have significantly improved, leading him to experiment with body adjustment techniques. Meanwhile, the escorts of the Heavenly Grand Archive are alerted to a potential attack from the Gwanghwi Sect, and the protagonist, now a changed man, is being observed and protected. Towards the end of the chapter, the protagonist urgently summons the escort squad captain for an important report, despite a scheduled assembly.

Quick Summary

The protagonist, having absorbed a powerful creature, experiences enhanced abilities and begins experimenting with martial techniques, while his escorts prepare for a potential attack from a rival sect. The protagonist summons the squad captain for an urgent report.

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Series Information

Released: January 5, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

Hexa Crest Viperbody adjustment techniquemartial prowessGwanghwi Sectescort squadHeavenly Grand Archiveurgent report