Ending Maker - chapter 64


Yuda and Cordelia discuss their plan to befriend Crimson Wind and gain her assistance. They decide to use a 'white lie' involving a magic circle and a script in the Northern Tribe's language, which Cordelia can't read. Yuda pretends to write down the pronunciation while actually manipulating the script to simulate an oracle from the tribe's guardian deity. After the oracle, Crimson Wind falls asleep due to a sleeping gas spell, and they prepare to manipulate her further by re-tying her restraints to reinforce the 'dream'.

Quick Summary

Yuda and Cordelia plan to deceive Crimson Wind using a fabricated oracle from her tribe's deity to gain her trust and help. They use a magic spell to make her fall asleep and believe the 'oracle'.

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Series Information

Released: May 24, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

deceptionfabricated oraclemagic spellwhite lieNorthern Tribeguardian deitysleeping gas