Devil Returns To School Days - chapter 2


The chapter opens with Park Mincheol's gang planning revenge on Kim Hyunsung for what they perceive as disrespect. It then flashbacks to reveal how Park Mincheol began bullying Kim, turning him into an errand boy for his games and extorting him for money. The chapter then returns to the present, showing Kim confronting and beating Park, shocking both Park and his gang, who promise swift retribution. The chapter ends with further threats from Park, a warning to remember the day's lesson, and other characters commenting on the sudden change in Kim's behavior.

Quick Summary

Kim Hyunsung, once a passive victim of bullying, suddenly retaliates against his tormentor, Park Mincheol, sparking shock and threats of further violence from Park's gang. The chapter also flashes back to detail the history of abuse.

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Series Information

Released: January 5, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

bullyingretaliationrevengePark Mincheol's GangKim Hyunsungflashbackphysical violence