Damn Reincarnation - chapter 56


Rahman Schulhoff is questioned about Eugene Lionhart's presence in the Kajani desert and the alleged involvement of the Kajitan Emir in a plot to betray Nahama. The questioning group seeks to understand the purpose of the Lionhart's visit and Rahman's actions. After a tense exchange, Eugene escapes from a sand worm and quickly takes down nearby assassins, showcasing his abilities which surpasses those of his foes, leaving his pursuers surprised. The pursuers discuss whether to capture him or simply kill him given his power.

Quick Summary

A group questions Rahman about Eugene Lionhart's presence and the potential betrayal of Nahama by Kajitan's Emir, before Eugene escapes a sand worm and eliminates nearby assassins.

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Series Information

Released: January 5, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

Eugene LionhartKajani Desertbetrayal of NahamaRahman Schulhoffsandwormassassinsmana dispelling