Yeon Hwitae spars with an elder of the Beggar Sect, using a clever technique of focusing his energy into a feint attack. This tactic wins him the match as the elder could not react to it. Afterward, they travel together along with Lady Zhuge to Anhui Province. They are told the Nangong Clan is powerful and recruit guard warriors; it's also the home of the Sword Emperor. They eventually part ways, leaving the elder wanting to hear more stories from Hwitae.
Quick Summary
Yeon Hwitae wins a sparring match by focusing his energy into a feint, surprising his opponent. They then travel together to Anhui Province where they learn about the Nangong Clan.
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Series Information
Released: January 5, 2024
Read at skaihua
Chapter Themes
energy manipulationfeint attackNangong ClanSword Emperorguard warriorsAnhui Provincesparring match