After their ship doesn't return, the group is forced to travel to the capital via a dangerous trail with mercenaries. The young master, Pachell, constantly complains about the change of plans and the mercenaries' rough nature, while a security captain suspects the mercenaries have additional members. Urich, the mercenary leader, reveals a past as a disgraced soldier, further unnerving Pachell. They abandon the horse to ensure a pursuing tracking party can't follow, greatly inconveniencing the young master.
Quick Summary
The group's sea travel is deemed unsafe, forcing them to travel by land with mercenaries, leading to conflict due to the young master's spoiled nature and a pursuing guard force.
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Series Information
Released: January 5, 2024
Read at skaihua
Chapter Themes
sea travel unsafemercenary escortspoiled young mastertracking partydisgraced soldiermountain trailbackground check