Academy's Genius Swordmaster - chapter 6


The chapter reveals a type of goblin that hoards treasure for moonlit festivals. The main characters, needing money for tuition and combat experience, decide to exploit this, using telekinesis to steal the treasure while the goblins sleep. They are successful in their heist, but the noise of their departure wakes up the goblins, setting up a likely conflict for the next chapter. The theft is framed as a necessary risk for the protagonists' future goals.

Quick Summary

The protagonists encounter a group of treasure-hoarding goblins, and decide to steal their treasure for tuition money and combat experience. They successfully steal the treasure and leave, but wake up the goblins.

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Series Information

Released: January 8, 2024
Read at skaihua

Chapter Themes

lunar goblinstreasure hoardtelekenesistuition moneycombat experiencerisking lifestealing